Thursday, October 14, 2010

Books for Children in Ecuador

Classic Coup supports global education.  With proceeds from our shirts we send books to Quito, Ecuador.  There Kaleo Kids, a non-profit organization providing shelter, education and assistance to children, distributes them.

In the Amazonian region and the Sierra about 24% of the population suffer from malnutrition.   Ecuador is below the Latin American level in primary education registration with less than half the children who attend school completing basic education. While 8 Indigenous out of 10 are registered for basic education, only 2 of them complete it.   

Below are children in a Quito orphanage that the founders of Kaleo Kids, Sherry and Darin Coyle, fell in love with on their visit to Ecuador in 2009 (see text below).

Sherry Coyle (above) co-founded Kaleo Kids with her husband, Darin in 2009.  Cindy McCain (who started Classic Coup in 2009 also) began teaching with Sherry, then single, in Nashville, Tennessee in the 1990s.  Today Sherry's  family of five lives in Quito where she teaches high school English. Next week her students in South America will join Cindy's in Nashville via Skype to discuss "A Separate Peace," John Knowle's coming-of-age classic about teen friendships.  Stay tuned for more on the launch of our international reading group.

Below are some of the elementary/middle school favorites recently sent to Ecuador.